Wednesday, July 4, 2012

No longer the ugliest backyard on the block

Our backyard needed some serious help.  It was definitely the ugliest backyard on the block and we live on a block of people who seriously care about their yards and houses.  Every house on our block is owned (there are renters sprinkled through our neighborhood) and we have a number of original owners on our block.  Now, please don't take my mention of all the houses being owned as a slight against renters.  I've been there, I've rented, there's nothing wrong with it.  I only bring it up because when we were looking at this house we talked to a neighbor and he made a big deal about it.  I understand why now.  Our neighbors are pretty great.  They care about each other and about where they live.

Anyways, back to our yard.  Formerly known as the ugliest backyard on the block.  Note that all of these pictures were taken from our deck.  Let's begin with the before...

I wish we could say that we did all the work ourselves, but we knew it would never happen if we did it ourselves.  We're just not yardwork people.  So, we got a few estimates and we're really happy with the results...

There's still work to be done.  Our fence needs help.  The concrete down around our grill needs a serious powerwashing and probably to be painted to stained or something to seal it and keep schmutz from growing on it.  Unfortunately, it's now disgustingly hot outside so that's not going to happen anytime soon.  However, it needs to happen before the winter.  Let's not think about that right now though.  Instead, let's look at this side by side comparison.  Enjoy!

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