Sunday, May 6, 2012

Family Friday (a bit late)

Well, it was an INSANE week at work so I'm a bit late in my post, but here it is.  As I mentioned in my last post, I've gotten really into genealogy in the last year or two.  It all started here:

Yup, those are two 30-gallon platic tubs (currently sitting in Joe's office).  These two tubs were filled with photos and papers from my grandmother's house.  My MomMom passed away February 20, 1995.  For months after that, I spent a lot of time with my Mom going over to my grandmother's house to help clean it out and get it ready for sale.  My Mom ended up taking all of the photos and such from the house and they ended up in the basement at my parents' house.  And that's where they sat for 15+ years.  I offered one time to take them and go through them all and scan them all in as my Christmas present to her, but she didn't seem interested at the time.  Somehow, I talked her into it and they came to my house in February 2011.

I have found some really cool photos in those tubs.  I was hoping that I would be further along with the scanning and organizing of these photos than I currently am, but this had to be put on hold for after our basment flooded (twice) last fall.  I'm really looking forward to using my Friday blog posts to share some of these photos and tell the stories of my ancestors.  I'm also hoping that this will continue to keep me on pace with getting everything together with these photos.  I'd like to be able to give my Mom, her sister, and their cousins Mary and Joe (whom my grandmother partially raised - more on that next week) each a box of photos and a DVD with the scans of all of them this Christmas.  I'm also planning on giving copies of the DVDs and some of the photos to my cousins and my brother.  I think family is really important and so is knowing where you came from and how far your family has come.  I hope anyone out there reading this will enjoy reading about my family's journey and be encouraged to look into their family's history.

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